Saturday, December 01, 2007

Farm Hand

Bryce has really taken to the idea of helping out around the farm.
He even has his own chores to accomplish. What a Big Boy!

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cinco de Mayo on the Farm

More Raytehon "CIV" Picnic Pics

What a big nose you have Mr. Bull

"LOOK!!!!!! It's a PIG"

Raytheon "CIV" Picnic

My 1st Space Walk

I am a dancing boy

"Look daddy its a PIG! Granny would love this place!"

My best buddy and big brother Zach

My big brothers, Colby and Hunter

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Connect the Dots!

On Friday evening, I started to get spots!
Spots Everywhere!

Can you connect the dots?

My doc said I had an allergic reaction to something.
He thinks it may have been my Amoxil I was taking
for my ear infection.
I am getting better now. I still have LOTS and LOTS of SPOTS,
but they are getting better.