Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bryce's 2 week check-up

I can't believe it has already been two weeks. Where is the time going? I want him to stay little and not grow up so fast. I guess it doesn't work that way. This little guy went from 6# 12oz 19in. at birth to 6# 6oz upon discharge from the hospital. He is now 7# 3oz and 20in. long. He is doing great. His weight is in the 25%, his height 50%.

He had a little trouble with his belly button. He has umbilical granuloma. (umbilical granuloma
An umbilical granuloma is a small piece of bright red, moist flesh that remains in the umbilicus after cord separation when normal healing should have occurred. It is a small piece of scar tissue, usually on a stalk, that did not become normally covered with skin cells. It contains no nerves and has no feeling. These things are usually either cauterised with silver nitrate, tied off with a suture and allowed to wither and drop off, or just plucked off with a clamp and cauterised. )
It didn't fall off and only the top was drying out. It was starting to get icky underneath despite the alcohol that we have been doing. So doc snipped off the dry top and put silver nitrate on it to dry it out. He said in 2 days if it looks ok Bryce can have his long awaited bath (all the way in). Boy is he going to love that.

Bryce also had a newborn supplemental screening - same as PKU, but more extensive. This should be back in 1-2months.

He received a sticker for his good behavior.

1 comment:

This, That and Some of the Other said...

Growing boy. Amazing that he's gained almost a pound in 2 weeks and one inch longer. Glad to hear he was a good boy and got a sticker.